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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'




To create a picture-based quiz for young children


In this new unit of work you will make a variety of quizzes for different audiences and on different topics. We will be using several different Purple Mash tools to do this.


What quizzes do you already know?


Your quiz will be based on popular children's stories for year 1s and 2s. What stories will these children find familiar?


Have a look on the '2Do It Yourself' activities section and explore these.






These features are suited to creating activities for young children:

  • picture based
  • large buttons
  • they look like toys that children might have in class or at home



Look at the Julia Donaldson pairing game to see an example of the kind of quiz that you will be creating.



Watch the help video on 2DIY pairs to explain how to create your own pairs quiz.


Create a pairs quiz game for younger children based on popular children's stories. This has been set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.