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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


At Southglade our vision for MFL is for pupils to be able to express ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers. Pupils will explore the relationship between language and identity. Through learning about Spanish culture, we hope they will develop an international outlook and an enhanced understanding of the world and their place within it. We intend that through learning Spanish, pupils will develop both an awareness of cultural differences and an appreciation of diversity in society. We intend that through learning a foreign language our children will be prepared for life in modern Britain, in which work and activities increasingly involve using languages other than English.

Below you will find the MFL policy, overview for 2024-25, road map, progression ladder and medium term plan for the current half term.

MFL Policy 2024-25

Year Overview 2024-25

Spring 1 Overview

Spanish Blog

Poetlingo poems