Summer 2
Our focus book this half term is 'The Train Ride' by June Crebbin.
We have been thinking about going on a journey to the sea side and what we like to do at the sea side. we also thought about the different forms of transport. The children enjoyed pretending to go on a train and then matching the number on the ticket to the number on the seat.
The children enjoyed finding the phonemes we have been learning in phonics written on the playground. They then attempted to copy the sound using chalk and also using the paint brush to go over the top of the letter.
The children have been looking at our focus book this week 'The train ride'. They looked at the pictures to retell the story and repeated the repetitive phrases. They enjoyed looking at other books about transport; books about cars, bikes, planes etc. They shared the books and the pictures with their friends. We were remembering to hold the book the right way and turn the pages from left to right.
The children have been practising their fine motor skills this week by using the tweezers to pick up the pom poms to put on the e sound which we have been learning in phonics. The children then enjoyed looking at the phonics on the wall to find all the sounds we have been learning in phonics.
The children were trying to subitise this week and match the spots in a dice pattern and an irregular pattern. We thought about how we knew how many spots there were on the dice without counting them. The children also practised their 1-1 counting and counting the fingers on the hands and then putting fingers up on their own hands to match.
In phonics this week we have been learning the letter l. We practised the sound and then did the action to go with it. The children then enjoyed making a lion using tissue paper and practising the letter l at the back.