Wb 29.6.20
Thursday 2nd July
Well another week is done! And what a fantastic week we have had. We have worked hard with our understanding of quarters this week so we really understand what they look like with quantities and shapes. We explored reasoning problems today and worked together to talk through our answers.
After this we carried out our phonics lesson based on ‘ue’ to ensure we had a good understanding of this digraph in our words and how to spot it in various different texts.
Following this we carried out our English session where we looked for other evidence from the text to decide whether the wolf was guilty or not guilty. We developed our book talk understanding further this week which has been fantastic to see.
Finally we carried out a mindfulness activity and listened to the story of the Gruffalo to end the week.
Wednesday 1st July
Welcome to the final term in Year 1. We carried on with our Gem maths practice this morning and really worked on developing the speed of our answers. Following this we explored quarters further, this time looking at quarter of an amount. We worked together through this to explore splitting a number of items in to four groups.
After this, we explored our phonics recap of sounds for the day and introduced our English lesson. We explored using the conjunction 'but' to explore why the wolf might be guilty or not guilty. 'The wolf blew the houses down but it was an accident'. This was a fantastic high level skill to explore adding a conjunction to expand sentences.
Finally, we explored a bucket full of happiness and talked about how we can fill our own bucket with happy things. We talked about what those happy things were and how we can make our friends, family and others happy.

Tuesday 30th June
Today we began by practicing our gem maths. We have been working on Sapphire 2 to speed up our addition and subtraction fluency knowledge. We then explored our number bonds to 20 using Emerald 2 to ensure we understand how to find total amounts to 20.
After that we continued with maths to explore quarters in a shape and began looking at how we can find a quarter accurately. We were exploring about ensuring the shape was cut equally and how we can do this accurately. We then looked at what a quarter looks like for different shapes.
After this, we did our phonics lesson based on the 'ie' digraph to secure our knowledge including reading and writing a range of different words and sentences. It has been fantastic to ensure we have a good understanding of this sound.
We then completed a book talk activity to write sentences based on our understanding of whether the wolf was guilty or not guilty. We all thought of our own argument as to whether the wolf was guilty or not guilty. This lead to a lot of debates about our own reasons why!
After lunch we had a PSHE based afternoon where we discussed about emotions using 'Inside Out'. We talked about how different emotions make us feel, and how it is OK to feel these emotions in different situations. It is also important that we know how to express our emotions.

Monday 29th June
Welcome to Week 2! We started today by looking at our Gem maths - we are practicing our number bonds to 20 using Emerald 2. We have been exploring the different ways to find the amounts and how to represent it using concrete and pictoral representations.
Following this we began to explore 'ie' to secure our understanding based on our gap analysis. We practiced reading a range of words and writing some sentences including the 'ie' digraph.
We then explored our maths knowledge of fractions further by building on the work we learnt about half by beginning to learn about 'quarters'. We discussed about splitting shapes in to four equal parts and how that is splitting a shape in half, the half again. We explired the different ways we could make split the shapes equally.
After lunch we did our English lesson, where we explored whether we thought the wolf was Guilty or Not Guilty based on the True story of the Three Little Pigs and the Three Little Pigs. We talked about both books and decided on different reasons how we can prove both these ideas.
Finally we explored our emotions through Inside Out and began to devlop our understanding of what they look like. We discussed when we felt those emotions and what we should do when we feel like that.
Another great day, ready for tomorrow!