Year 3
Welcome Back Year 3!
Miss Finnie and Miss Barker are the teachers in Year 3. Miss Fyfe and Miss Moss are the teaching assistants in year 3.
Farewell 3F

Miss Finnie
Start and Finish Times
3F - Miss Finnie class start time is 8:50am and we will finish at 3:20pm.
3B - Miss Barker class start time is 8:30am and we will finish at 3:00pm
You will be collected and dismissed from the playground at these times. It is really important that you are on time to school and being collected all classes have staggered start and finish times to ensure safety of staff, pupils and parents.
3F have PE on Thursday and 3B have PE on Friday. Until further notice PE will be outdoors and your child is required to bring a pair of suitable footwear to change into for their PE lesson. Children will not be wearing full PE kit.
Water Bottles
Please make sure that you bring a water bottle to school everyday. It will go home each evening to be washed. It is really important that we try to be as clean and hygienic as possible!
Weekly you will take home spellings and be tested every Monday in school. Children will also be expected to read 3 times a week and these will be counted on Fridays. We have a new reading incentive 'Reading Owls' where children are rewarded for their weekly reads with certificates and prizes.