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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Summer 1

Our trip to Nottingham Castle


Today we took a trip to Nottingham Castle to review our learning from last half term. We had SO much fun learning all about the history of the castle, visiting the art gallery and the rebellion gallery as well as learning all about Robin Hood in the Robin Hood experience. We finished our amazing trip by visiting the new castle play park which was so much fun.

Our Curriculum this half term!


This half term we are learning lots of different things across our curriculum. Have a read to find out what we will be busy doing!



In maths our topics for this half term are fractions and time. We will be looking at fractions of shape and number and using our knowledge of key skills to divide numbers into fractions! In our time topic we will learn how to tell the time to: o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. 



Our topic book for English is called 'Lila and secret of rain' by David Conway and illustrated by Jude Daly. The book is based in Kenya which links to our Geography topic. From the book we will be writing a fact file about Kenya, along with a story in the style of the book.  



In science our topic is looking at plants. We will be looking at what plants need to survive, how they adapt to live in the environment. We will be doing an investigation where we will take away the plants needs to see how long they survive!



We will be comparing Kenya to England in our topic. We will learn how to label continents, oceans and describe the location of both countries. We will be looking at the features of both countries, the wildlife seen in both countries and man made and human characteristics. 



In PE we are developing skills of batting, bowling and fielding. We will be playing games of rounders at the end of the unit.