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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

At Southglade Primary and Nursery School, we recognise that living through a global pandemic has had an adverse affect on children's mental health and emotional well-being and we are still dealing with the outcome of this.

We have our learning mentor Mrs McCarthy who will support with wellbeing across school. Mr Jones from the Mental Health Support Team also works in school one day a week to support children with their mental wellbeing. We also constantly assess, support and review our children with their mental health through the activities and curriculum we teach. 


1. Weekly PSHE lessons

PSHE lessons will be taught weekly. These lessons will focus on our school ethos which is taught each half term. We will also carry out daily assemblies both within phases and classes, which will focus on the Learning Values, Current Affairs and SMSC/Preparing for Life in Modern Britain. 


We focus on one area of our school ethos each term to ensure our children understand and can articulate our ethos and how this links to their Southglade journey and beyond. We will deepen their understanding by including key vocabulary and key figures (three of each) which link to our PSHE teaching. The PSHE progression ladder statements have come from the RHE statements and have been redesigned to fit with the ethos focus each term so as a whole the PSHE teaching should all link together. 


Autumn Term 

Ethos - To have respect for everyone

Key Vocabulary - Respect, Tolerance, Diversity

Key Figures- Hallie Bailey, Mary Seacole, Joe Biden

Wellbeing Wednesday - Emotions


Spring Term

Ethos- To encourage children to believe they can achieve anything and have the confidence to make mistakes

Key Vocabulary - Resilience, Determination, Responsibility

Key Figures - Helen Keller, Steve Cooper, Sir Mo Farah

Wellbeing Wednesday - Aspirations 


Summer Term

Ethos - To make everyone feel valued

Key Vocabulary  - Pride, Co-operation, Consideration

Key Figures - Emmeline Pankhurst, Nicola Adams, Frida Kahlo

Wellbeing Wednesday  - Health 


2. Wellbeing Days

Once a term we will have a Wellbeing Day  which will be planned based on a focused progression ladder. These are as follows: 


Autumn - Emotions

Spring - Aspirations

Summer - Health 

PSHE Curriculum Vision Statement

At Southglade Primary and Nursery School we believe that Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) is crucial in supporting children in their personal development, and underpinning learning in the classroom, school, and in the wider community. PSHE education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and able to form and maintain positive relationships with others. Children develop an understanding of the ever-changing world in which we live, develop the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their life effectively. We aim to encourage mutual respect, resilience, pride, independence and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring atmosphere. As a school, we promote the use of Learning Values which creates a termly focus and underpins our PSHE curriculum. Within our teaching of PSHE we also cover a range of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) teaching in order to prepare our children for life in Modern Britain.


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a crucial element of our curriculum at Southglade Primary School and underpins everything that we do.


In summary, PSHE education provides opportunities to learn about :

  • Relationships: including developing and maintaining positive relationships and dealing with negative relationships. .
  • Developing independence, resilience and responsibility: including preparing children and young people to face life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities.
  • Health: including healthy lifestyles, healthy eating and exercise; mental and emotional health; drug, alcohol and tobacco education.
  • Managing risk: including understanding personal safety and online safety; financial choices and risks; appreciating the value of taking risks in certain situations (e.g. entrepreneurial risks).
  • Economic wellbeing: including the role of money, influences on our use of money, gambling, careers education
  • Employability skills: including learning about enterprise, business and finance. Developing the skills and attributes to succeed at work, including communication skills and confidence.