Week 4 (27.04.20)
Weekly Timetable
Activity Grid
Friday 1st May 2020
Morning! Well done on all the amazing work you have produced this week. Nearly the weekend!
Maths: Try out these maths challenges from the BBCBitesize website.
Answers to the questions are below too. Reasoning is an important part of maths, can you explain how you found out the answer to each question/ how you know the answer is correct?
English: inference.
Watch presenter and maths whizz Rachel Riley reading an extract from The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7rrcqt
As you listen, think about the following questions.
What is Mildred like?
Would you want to be friends with her?
What does 'hair-raising' mean?
Then watch the second extract on the same page: As you listen, think about the following questions.
What do you think about Ethel in this extract?
Does Ethel deserve what she gets?
Should Mildred be sorry?
Fluency and comprehension:
If you're enjoying this book and want to try some more activities, there are more at the bottom of the BBCBitesize page!
Music: Learn about pulse and rhythm by watching the videos and trying out the activities as you scroll down the page - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh7hnrd
Thursday 30th April 2020
Hello and happy Thursday! Today, we have set Maths, History and Spanish tasks for you.
Can you play on Times Table Rock Stars and earn as many points as you can for our battle against Year 3? The scores are very close!
Captain Tom Moore is a WW2 veteran who has raised over £29 million for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden. Today is his 100th birthday!
Your task is to research what life was like in Britain 100 years ago in 1920!
Some questions you might want to consider are:
- What were houses like in 1920?
- What was life like for children in 1920?
- What was it like going to school 100 years ago?
Can you create an information poster presenting what you find out?
Here are some websites to get you started.
Here is a PowerPoint presentation to practise the names of Spanish fruits, in singular and plural. Once you have practised the Spanish fruits can you complete the grid below?
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Morning! Today you have been set a Maths and English activity. After that you can choose to do handwriting, spellings and/or reading. In the packs you took home, you were given a list of spelling strategies to help you practice - you could do handwriting within your spelling practice.
Your reading activity may be: having some quiet time reading alone, reading to your parents or siblings or creating a book review.
Maths: Multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit.
Remember: start from the ones and carry over if the answer is more than 10.
Red group: can you practice making equal groups. You could use items in your house to help you e.g. chocolate buttons, lego, pencils etc.
English: Use the picture to help you finish the story - can you include exciting vocabulary, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases?
Can you draw another place the girl might visit on her adventure in the bath? (Or somewhere you would like to visit in your own bath adventure).
Reading/ spelling / handwriting support:
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Good morning! We are so proud of you for all of the work that you are doing at home, please continue to complete some of the daily tasks set on here, as well as read, practise your spellings and play on Times Table Rock Stars. There are currently battles between 4M vs. 3AB and 4P vs. 3EB.
Challenge 1: Can you change the verbs in this paragraph?
If you are unsure of the meaning of any verbs, then use a dictionary to check its meaning.
Challenge 2: Can you improve the following sentences by adding adjectives, adverbs and prepositions?
- The giant threw the die.
- It was really big and had big, black dots on.
- It landed on the beach and started to roll.
Complete the multiplication triangles. The number on the top is the product (answer) of the two numbers on the bottom row when they are multiplied.
We know how much you love Science experiments. Here are some that you could try at home. Remember to send us pictures so that we can add these to our class page.
Monday 27th April 2020
Morning! I hope everyone had a nice weekend in the sun. Today's activities come from the BBC Bitesize website, where you will find videos and slideshows to help you complete the work with more independence - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh8nscw
Lesson 1: English - prepositions.
Activity 1: watch the video on the website and highlight all the prepositions in the sentences.
Activity 2: complete the missing prepositions sheet, attached below.
Lesson 2: Maths - add 2 or 3 digit numbers together.
Activity 1 and 2: watch the examples on the website and complete both activity sheets, attached below.
Lesson 3: History - prehistoric Britain.
Activity 1: read all the information on the BBC Bitesize website and create a poster based on what you have learnt.
Activity 2: become an archaeologist, click on the images on the website to uncover evidence about prehistoric Britain.
We can't wait to see what amazing work you produce! Please don't forget to email us pictures so we can put it on the website... this way you can see what your friends are up to during lockdown and they can see your work too! Email your work to:
harris.pericleous@southglade.nottingham.sch.uk or
Happy learning!