Week 5
This week, we have fully immersed ourselves in our new text type; explanation texts. We have looked at a WAGOLL, identified features and used Talk for Writing actions to help us remember the structure.
Curriculum Driver
This week, we used google maps to find places in our local area.
We have now moved on to addition and subtraction. We have recapped column addition with 3-digit numbers, and are now moving on to 4-digit numbers with exchanging. We have been working super hard on this as we know it can be very confusing!
Growth Mindset
4B spent Thursday afternoon completing lots of growth mindset activities. We spoke about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
4B have been enjoying having fairy lights on with a crackling fire playing on the interactive whiteboard during DEAR sessions. We are currently reading The Boy at the Back of the Class and we are really enjoying it!