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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 11 22.06.20

Riley Oldham is Star of the Week 👍

Well done to Riley Oldham for some amazing work this week. We particularly loved this interview with Riley's Grandad.

Times Tables Rock stars Results !

A new tournament between 5H and 5M will be set up this week in Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember to keep practising. Well done to 5H who put in lots of effort this week. Oliver Birch is Year 5's star performer with 5629 points. 

PSHE- National RSE Day

Please e-mail us any photos or work that you complete to your teacher so that we can showcase your work on the website. smiley

Debate- How do you feel about Zoos?

This Week's Spellings.

This Week's Purple Mash Book...

Year 5 - Week 9 - Lesson 1 - Subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places

The Olympians

Year 5 - Week 9 - Lesson 2 - Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places

The Prepositions Song

Year 5 - Week 9 - Lesson 3 - Multiply decimals by 10 100 and 1000

Punctuation: Introduction to speech marks (KS2)

Rainbow in a Glass!

Year 5 - Week 9 - Lesson 4 - Divide decimals by 10 100 and 1000

Sing with Grammarsaurus - Parentheses (Brackets, Dashes and Commas)

Spanish-Describing plural parts of the head

Babethandaza - Non Instrument Lesson - Lesson 1