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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'




In Southglade we have a wide and varied curriculum and through our book based topics. We now teach art in a block as one of our curriculum drivers. This means it will have in depth coverage and the children will be able to create some really exciting projects. We will  link our themes into our art work. These can be seen displayed throughout the school and classrooms.

Each year group will  look at using a range of mediums and develop their drawing, painting and sculpture. During sessions learning about colour, pattern, texture, line and space. As they move through the school they have a sketch book which records their work and shows the progression

Please see our art progression maps for the skills they will cover and build upon in each year group.

We also cover art in our Awe and Wonder weeks and theme days. Every year we have the Bestwood cultural week were we study the arts for the afternoons during this week.

Our progression ladders show the skills and techniques which the children build up on year by year.




Below you will find our updated arts and art policy. Here is also the progression skills for each year group and the road map for details of what each year group will study.

Year 3 Tang Hoong 
Year 3 have been looking at positive and negative space. They have been relating their art work to the iron giant. They created mono prints and work in a monochrome palette. Using charcoal to create time. They looked at the artist Tang Hoong and studied his pieces of work to be inspired by ideas.

Year 5 Arts Award Banksy

Year 5 are currently studying street art and looking at his style and how he creates his work with stencils. Here we explored and recreated the girl with the red balloon.

Year 5 Banksy

Year 2 art- Kandinsky 

Year 2 have just completed their curriculum driver on Kandinsky. They spent a lot of time looking and exploring abstract work. They also colour mixed making secondary colours, Shades and tints. They did an amazing final piece where they all created their unique design.

Kandinsky art by year 2

Year 2 work

Year 1 Art

Year 5 art and arts award group

Year 2 Art

Year 2 Curriculum driver


Year 2 have had the curriculum driver of art this term and have being studying Picasso. They began by looking at portraits and how to sketch a face. They then looked in detail at Picasso prints. During their time they went to Nottingham contemporary museum to study different art pieces and created and abstract piece of their own.


Southglade's Art school vision


In Southglade we have a wide and varied curriculum and through our book based topics. We now teach art in a block as one of our curriculum drivers. This means it will have in depth coverage and the children will be able to create some really exciting projects. We will  link our themes into our art work. These can be seen displayed throughout the school and classrooms.

Each year group will  look at using a range of mediums and develop their drawing, painting and sculpture. During sessions learning about colour, pattern, texture, line and space. As they move through the school they have a sketch book which records their work and shows the progression

Please see our art progression maps for the skills they will cover and build upon in each year group.