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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 1

Our new topic book this half term is Monstersaurus!


We LOVE this story because it allows us to make our own monsters, design a monster, make slime, make recipes, use lots of colours and textures and shapes and explore our curriculum driver of art.

Excellent English

This week we have been thinking about writing instructions using time connectives which we learnt last half term when writing our recounts. We made a jam sandwich and wrote instructions about how you make the sandwich. Next week we are going to think about how to make a monster and write instructions for this. We are also going to make a potion for a fanulous friend and write these instructions.

Making our jam sandwich

Marvellous Maths


We have begun to skip count using odd numbers and adding on two using part whole models. This is really challenging but we have been working so hard at it to develop our understanding. We will continue to practice this and begin to look at subtraction over the next few weeks.

Skip counting odd numbers

We used stop motion in computing

We love to read