Check back here every week for new Science based activities and challenges.
Science curriculum and home-learning
Week 2
Your challenge for next two weeks over Easter Holiday's is try and spot some common British garden birds. We learned the names of some of these back in the Autumn.
Keep a tally of which birds you see out of the following. Which is the most common where you live? Which is the least common?
Common British Brds to try and spot this Easter

Week One
In science this term we have been learning all about the different properties of common materials. If we had been in school this week, we were going to go on a materials hunt around school but you can do this just as easily at home.
We have learned all about the properties of plastic, metal, glass, wood and rock. This means we should be able to spot them quite easily by now.
Make a table in your book and record any objects you find that are made out of the materials listed above.
Which material is the most common around your home?