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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

For EAL afternoon we looked at Caribbean beaches and created our own image using oil pastels. 

In Maths this week we have been learning about square and cube numbers. The children had a go at creating cube numbers out of multi-link.

In English, we have been writing our own newspaper reports based on Viking Boy. In the book, the Sigurdsson's home is burnt down by the Wolf-Men so we acted as reporters and reported on what this might have been like. We worked hard to use relative clauses, parenthesis and direct and indirect speech!

In our history lessons, we have been learning all about the Vikings! So far, we have covered where the Vikings came from, why the might have settled and what life would have been like in a Viking village.

In English, we will be writing diary entries from Gunnar's perspective. The children have looked at different diaries entries and compared their key features, ready to plan their own diary entry.

In maths we have been exploring rounding within 1,000,000.

Some of us went to Ilam Hall for Music Camp. There we learnt two pieces through practise sessions, musical orienteering, musical games and more. At the end of the camp the children performed their pieces with children from other schools as part of a 'monster orchestra'.