Monday- Phonics

This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to hear it being read by the author himself! |
(add link and possibly follow up idea)
Maths Watch Numberblocks 16
Practise counting to 16 on your fingers. Can you make sets of 10 and 6=16 Use stones, marbles, peas, coins, anything you can find! Write the number sentence to go with your sets 10+6=16 Can you find other ways to make 16
Take a break : Play with your toy’s or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge
Watch this animation of The Very Hungry Caterpillar:
Draw a picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Ask a grown up to draw him a speech bubble. Write a sentence to show what he is saying. Remember a capital letter and full stop. |
Follow up Activities Try these ordering and sequencing games:
Download the Worksheet below or find it in your Home Learning Pack to practise your Handwriting.
Story time : One of our Favourites! Winnie The Witch: |