Warm Up
Before we move on to our main learning task, we have a few useful things to do to get our brains warmed up. First, practice your Gem Maths. Next you need to practice your numbers between 20 and 30. Using the 100 square provided in your learning pack, your grown-up needs to say numbers between 20 and 30 and you need to point to them as fast as you can.
See if you can tell your grown-up what the word 'addition' means and show them what the symbol for addition looks like.
When we add, we combine two amounts to get a total. There are lots of ways of representing additions. The main ones we use in Year One are part-part-whole models and number sentences.
Here are examples of part-part-wholes with the corresponding number sentences underneath.

5+2=7 2+5=7 2+3=5 3+2=5
7=5+2 7=5+2 5=2+3 5=3+2
Your task for today is to create some addition number sentences and part-part-whole models using things from around your home. See how many different ones you can make in 15 minutes. Look at the example I did below to see what I mean.

Send us some pictures of your work. For an extra challenge, try this problem.

Examples would be 5+1=6 or 7+2=9.
There are 32 possible answers. Can you find them all?
Remember, you can only use each digit once.
Is zero of any use to you for this? If not, why not?
We have missed you all so much. We normally find out on a Monday everything you have been up to during the weekend.
We would therefore like you to write us a letter telling us about all the different things you have done this weekend gone or even over the Easter Holiday. We would love to know everything you have been up to. Remember to include lots of different adjectives to describe exactly what you have been doing.
You don't need to worry about putting your address at the top, but make sure you say 'Dear Miss Smith, Miss Short or Mr Land' and sign it 'From [your name]'.
Activity - Board Game
We would love you to play a board game with your family or if you don't have one make up a game of your own. This will practice your problem solving, communication and team work.
Instructions: How to make a board game
1. Choose a theme for your game
- Adventure, family, film, book, Notingham
Take a look at the board games you already own for inspiration.
Could you adapt one of them?
2. Make your board
- Draw a board game on card or cardboard
- Print out a template (see the links at the bottom of the page)
3. Make your game pieces
Make game pieces from small objects around the house such as
- Lego men
- Small figures or animals
- Buttons, coins, shells or rocks
- Make your own
4. Rewards and challenges
Print or draw them on card and cut them in to index cards so they are the right size for the game
- The dog ate your homework. Go back 2 spaces.
- You won Britain's Got Talent! Earn 2 tokens.
- Meet a monkey who steals your watch! Go back five spaces
- Hold your tongue and say the alphabet.
- Oh no, you forgot your lunch. Lose a turn.
- Make a funny face.
5. Decide how to move the pieces
Will you move them by
- Drawing cars, using a spinner, throwing a dice (or could it even be using all of them?)
- Dice template (see links below)
6. Decide on basic rules
Decide on some rules to start the game, they may change as you go through, but have some rules to start with.
7. Now have fun and play the game!
Phonics and Reading - ay, ai, blending with a
We would like you to click on the videos below and watch the 'ay' 'ai' and 'blending with a' phonics lessons from Letters and Sounds. Activities which you can do to apply the sound are in the video and there are also linked underneath.
After, please watch the videos below which practices all your phonics sounds using the flashcards which we use at school. Have a go at saying the sounds along with Miss Smith. Make sure you are saying the pure sounds accurately.
Don't forget to read your book everyday.