Good morning Penguins and Polar Bears!
Remember to do your work out with PE Joe:
Todays Home Learning is Maths - finding 1 more.
1.Write a sentence and draw a picture for your home learning diary.
2.Challenge: Using the objects that you used to count to 20 last week, can you find 1 more than a given number between 1-20? e.g. Can you find 1 more than 11. Extension: Can you draw a picture to show 1 more than a number? Get your child to explain their thinking.
3.Can you direct the helicopter to find 1 more/1 less than a number between 1 and 20?
4.If you have a printer, print out some of these sheets and have a go at counting the space pictures and finding 1 more than the total.
5. Remember to ask a grown up to email us any photographs of your amazing work!
Try hard and have fun!!