Week 1
In English this week, we finished the Iron Man (boooo!). We have really enjoyed reading the Iron Man and were so excited to find out who won the battle at the end of the story! We have been using our inference skills, and have been thinking about what a sequel to the Iron Man would look like. We came up with some really great ideas!
Charley 3AB- "I would write a sequel where the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon betrays the Iron Man and the rest of the world".
Julia 3AB- "My sequel would have an Iron Woman who is evil and tries to help the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon".
We have started to look at length in Maths, so have been discussing how to use a ruler accurately as well as converting cm into mm. We have even been outside on a 'less than a metre' hunt!
Our Science topic for this half term is forces, which follows on nicely from magnets. We have spent the first lesson looking at the vocabulary we will be using throughout the topic. Ask your child what the following words mean; forces, friction, surface, pushing force, pulling force.