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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Extra Mild Answers


1. 14

2. 4

3. 2 + 3 = 5

4. June

5. 20 - 4 = 16

6. 2 + 3 + 14 + 20 + 15 + 4 = 58

7. 20/58

8. The weather would have been too cold

9. The pool was probably not open due to the weather

10. Various answers e.g. How many more people visited the pool in May than April?

Which month had the most visitors?




A. 12 + 14 = 26kg

B. Henry = 36kg

C. Buster, Titch, Patch, Misty, Henry


30 children in year 6




A. 25 degrees

B. Madrid

C. 22-15 = 7

D. Rome and Madrid

E. Rome or Madrid as these are significantly warmer than London


Question 2

A. Walk

B. 10 - 7 = 3

C. Y4 = 29 children, Y5 = 28 children
There are more children in year 4




A. Walk

B. 10-7 = 3

C. Y4 = 29 children, Y5 = 28 children
There are more children in year 4

D. Yes, fewer children travel by car or bus


Alex is correct as more ice creams are sold over the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday = 84 ice creams

Monday-Friday = 76 ice creams

