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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Friday-Shape and measures

Happy Friday everyone! Today we are thinking about pattern.

Remember your daily workout with PE Joe:


1.Todays phonics lesson :

Click Reception Lesson 5 for todays lesson after 10am, or choose whichever Lesson you are up to at any time.


2.Challenge: Can you create a repeating pattern? You can be as creative as you like with what you use to make your pattern: pasta shells, lego bricks or drawing it on paper with different coloured pencils/pens would all work wonderfully! Extension: Can you explain your pattern to a grown up? What comes first? What comes next? What comes last? How do you know? Maybe ask an adult to film you reading your pattern and showing your explanation of it- we would love to see your work!


3.Click on the link to read and complete the patterns.

Can you get to level 3?


4.Print out this sheet to complete the patterns on the snakes.

5. We hope you enjoyed today's Home Learning, send some photo's if you can. Have a great weekend!