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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


For the last day of isolation, we would like you to think about moving into Year 5. On Tuesday you will get to meet your new class teacher. 


Write a letter to your new teacher. Follow the slides below to support you with what to write. You could also use the template below if you would like, or create your own letter on a piece of paper. You could add pictures to link with your letter too!


The Olympics begin today! Your task is to try the activities below. How far can you run in 12 seconds? How high can you jump? Remember to send your teacher pictures of you completing your task!


Could you research some of the Olympic games and act them out? You could also freeze frame your sport and email to your teacher for them to guess! There is also an activity set on Purple Mash for you to complete. You will need to write about the qualities needed to be a great athlete.