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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Thursday 9.7.20

Check out the overview of today's home learning below.  Hit the links for videos explaining the day's learning activities and don't forget the resource section at the bottom.


Warm up – Counting up and down in 10s up to and beyond 100.

MoneyReasoning and Problem Solving

Today you are going to apply what you have learned about coins and notes to some more challenging reasoning and problem solving.  Complete the questions in the resource section then watch Mr Land explaining the answers.  Remember, when you are reasoning you are a maths detective, looking for evidence to show why you think something.


Complete the phonics lesson that is most appropriate for you.  If you are unsure, contact your teacher.

Phase 3: Revise lesson ‘ure’

Phase 4: Watch Lesson 34

Phase 5: Revision Session - ‘oo’ long sound family with Miss Smith.  Use the link below to find the other pages you need for today’s session.  


Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - by, my, here, there, where, friend Remember to learn to read and write the words independently.

Character Description

Look at the images of the giant in the resource section below.  Now you need to write a short character description of the giant.  Look carefully at the pictures for things you can write about.  Make sure you include at least one adjective (describing word) in each sentence.  Some example sentence might be:

The giant has a large, brown beard.

The giant’s long-sleeved shirt is green.

Try to write at least 3-5 sentences for your description.  Remember to use your phonics for spelling, and capital letters and full stops.

Take a break

Have a chat; listen to some music; watch a programme; read a book; go outside


Senses - Taste

Taste is the fifth sense we are going to learn about.  Can you remember the other four you have learned about?


What part of our body do we use to taste?  Watch this video about how we taste things.


Play another game where you are blindfolded.  Get a grown up to feed you different foods from the main taste types – sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami.


Can you say which taste type it was and recognise the food?


Email us and tell us some examples of the foods you tasted.  Which ones did you like or dislike?


Watch Joe Wicks read a story about how even tough guys have feelings too.


Maths Resources

Learning Overview