Week 2
Wonderful Week 2!
Well what a wonderful week we have had. We have done two pieces of writing, learnt the ‘oa’ and ‘ai’ sounds in phonics and explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours.
We started the week exploring primary and secondary colours. We were given the colours red, yellow and blue and discussed how these were primary colours because they could not be mixed. We then explored mixing two colours together and what that made. We then discussed that these were secondary colours. We used the paint to record our findings on a colour wheel and in our sketchbook.
We used our understanding of the colour wheel to cut out a range of images and stick them on to the correct section

This week we continued to develop our understanding of nouns and adjectives by writing them in sentences to describe ourselves. We also included ‘and’ in our sentences to try and extend them. What was amazing was how we used our phonics to support with our writing. It was great to see and we cannot wait to see how this develops this year.
This week in maths we have begun to explore one more and one less using cubes, numicon and number tracks. This has been fantastic to see and we really have some amazing mathematicians in Year 1!
Reading and Phonics
This week we have been doing lots of work on reading in different contexts and applying our understanding of how to segment and blend. We are becoming fantastic at using our phonics skills when writing and using blending strategies when reading in comprehension. We followed instructions to create a face inspired by Picasso and read a range of vocabulary to support with our identification of adjectives and nouns.