Week 3 (20.04.20)
Each week we will now be adding a weekly timetable to the web page. You do not have to follow this, however a structured day is beneficial for many children!
(For today's focus activity, scroll below the timetable)
Friday 24th April 2020
Happy Friday!
There will be Maths, Spanish, Music and Reading activities on here for you today. Don't worry about completing all of the activities, they are just there as a guide. Remember to read and go on TTRS throughout the week too.
Each week Mrs Drage will be setting you a different Spanish activity, this week the theme is 'fruit'. Don't forget, if you want more activities and work to complete the BBCbitesize website are uploading 3 lessons everyday for each year group - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ dailylessons
Spanish 'fruits' activities:
- Revise and learn the 6 fruits below, using the word mat and youtube video to help you (https://youtu.be/4i_xWUSAaF8). Can you remember any more?
- Sing this song. Can you teach it to the grown-ups at home? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNU67X3dGHI
- Make a poster called ‘Mis frutas preferidos’ (My favourite fruits). Label the fruits.
- Take a photo of your posters and send it to us and Mrs Drage... she will put the best ones on her blog. Her email address is amanda.drage@southglade.nottingham.sch.uk or if you press the ‘Follow’ button on her blog it will send straight to her on there! (www.mrsdragespanish.wordpress.com)
Can you complete the column subtraction questions?
The Music teachers have filmed a lesson focusing on big band music. Watch the video below to learn about big band instruments, swing music and learn a new song, Hey Mr Miller.
Reading Challenges from Mrs Carter :)
Remember to infer and find the clues in the text to answer them fully.
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Please can I remind you that you do not have to complete ALL of the activities set on the website, these are just a bank of ideas to help support your children's learning at home and gives you some freedom to choose the activities you would prefer to complete. We are SUPER proud of everyone's hard work so far!
Perfect picture!
Can you draw the ultimate survival hero for the following environments? Think carefully about what they are wearing and what equipment they will carry.
- Jungle
- Desert island
- Arctic
Question time!
- What might the ‘cold times’ be that Jim experienced when he was growing up?
- What does it mean by saying that the wind had ‘bitten’ into his skin?
- Why has the writer compared Jim’s knowledge to a well?
- When Jim drinks from this ‘well’ what is he actually doing?
- Why is his breath ‘pleading’? What does this mean?
- What other survival techniques do you think Jim relies upon in the wilderness?
- Jim is a bit like an old fashioned version of Bear Grylls! Can you out together a Bear Grylls style survival guide?
Story starter!
He had been out in the wilderness for over a month now. Jim Bridger had known some cold times in his life, growing up in the Alaskan wilderness with his family, but he couldn’t remember a time when the wind’s icy breath had bitten into his skin with such ferocity and spite.
His father had taught Jim all he knew about survival in the harsh climes of the north, and it was into this well of knowledge that he must now draw and drink deeply.
Jim’s heart fluttered with excitement as the embers within the bundle of twigs he held protectively in his cupped hands responded to his pleading breath, dancing their orange waltz of hope in front of him…
Sentence challenge!
- Can you underline any words in the story starter that you don’t understand?
Either using a dictionary or search engine, look up their meaning, and try to use them in a sentence relating to the picture.
Sick sentences!
These sentences are ‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help?
- It was cold.
- Jim made a fire.
Grammar Challenges from Mrs Carter :)
Once you have completed these, have a go at creating some of your own Grammar Challenges!
Wednesday 22nd April - Earth Day!
This year marks the 50th anniversary for the celebrations of Earth Day. This is a day where we focus on how we can look after our planet. We can all help our planet by reducing our use of plastic, recycling and decreasing the amount of electricity we use.
This year's theme is climate change. Can you complete some of the activities linked with Earth Day below?
- Create a poster answering one of the following questions:
What can you recycle?
What can you do around the house to conserve energy?
What do plants do for us and the Earth?
Why shouldn’t we litter and what is littering?
Why don’t we dump rubbish in the ocean? - Create a piece of art work using only recycled materials
- Make Earth Day cookies
Below are some useful websites for more ideas.
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Read the text, Emma's Puppy Problem. Can you time yourself and see how long it takes for you to read the extract? Can you read the whole thing in one minute? The numbers on the side of each line indicate the number of words on each line. Once you have read the text can you answer the questions about what you have read. There is a downloadable version at the bottom of the page for those of you who would like to print the activity.
Can you complete at least one of the addition challenges. Remember to challenge yourself!
Challenge 1
16 + ___ = 20
____ + 2 = 20
11 + ___ = 20
___ + 13 = 20
10 + ___ = 20
Challenge 2
145 237 580 427 291
+ 41 +122 +109 +124 +135
Challenge 3
2456 3411 8672 3312 6543
+ 1332 +2589 +1254 + 2839 +2928
Happy Earth Day from Mrs Carter!
Enjoy reading all about Earth Day with some interesting facts about Earth too, then have a go at answering the comprehension questions!
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Morning! I hope every has found the start back to home learning ok, do not hesitate to email us with any questions you may have and lots of pictures of you working hard at home!!
BBC Bitesize have begun daily home learning lessons on their website - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons . They are uploading information, videos and activities for Maths and English every day, alongside one foundation subject per day e.g. history, geography, music, for each year group! This is a great way to engage your child in home learning, the videos will mean your child can become more independent with their learning! Please feel free to use this as your main source of activities for the day, if you prefer to do so!
Today's activities come from the BBC website so you may choose to download the activities here or simply find them on the website instead.
Lesson 1: English - expanded noun phrase. Watch the videos on the BBC website to remind you how to identify and use expanded noun phrases in your writing.
Activity 1 - identify and highlight the expanded noun phrases in the video
Activity 2 and 3 - attached below.
Lesson 2: Maths - finding 1000 more or less. Watch the summary slide show on the website to remind you how to find 1000 more or 1000 less than a given number.
Activity 1 and 2 - attached below.
Lesson 3: Geography - how to read a map and use a compass. Watch the videos to remind you how to read a map and use a compass.
Activity 1 - label the compass based on the video on the website.
Activity 2 - attached below.
Monday 20th April 2020
Good morning! We hope that you had a lovely Easter holidays, although they were very different! Let us know what you have been up to by sending emails and photos to katie.morton@southglade.nottingham.sch.uk or harris.pericleous@southglade.nottingham.sch.uk. We are missing teaching you and seeing you everyday, but we are incredibly proud of you all for playing your part by staying at home and keeping safe.
Remember, the activities set on the website are only a guide and there is no expectation for each activity to be completed each day. You can still play on TTRS, visit Purple Mash, read and learn practical skills like learning how to tie your shoe lace or baking.
We are going to consolidate our column addition and subtraction skills this week. Here is the first column addition activity sheet. You can decide your own level of challenge or complete the whole thing. It's up to you! There is a reminder of how to solve column addition problems below.
Can you add the punctuation to make these sentences easier to read?
Hello Year 4, it's Mrs Carter!
Have a go at completing these grammar and punctuation challenges.