2018-19 Performance Data (carried forward due to Covid19)
Good Level of Development
The % of children reaching a good level of development is displayed in the table below. The data is broken down into some key groups and is also compared to the previous year.
As can be seen the % has dropped slightly compared to 2017/18 and there is a significance gender gap which is different to previous years.
Good Level of Development |
Group |
2018 |
2019 |
All 57 |
76% |
68% |
Boys 29 |
78% |
51.7% |
Girls 28 |
73% |
85.7% |
Disadvantaged 25 |
70% |
60% |
Other 32 |
83% |
75% |
Phonics Screening
The table below highlights the % of children who passed the phonics screening check and scored 32 marks or more in the test.
Phonics Screening Year 1 |
Group |
2018 |
2019 |
All 59 |
82% |
74.2% |
Boys 32 |
77% |
80.6% |
Girls 29 |
88% |
66.7% |
Disadvantaged 28 |
73% |
73..3% |
Other 31 |
87% |
75% |
The % is slightly lower than in the past few years- boys did better than girls whilst our pupil premium children did almost as well as pupils not entitled to pupil premium funding and support.
Key Stage 1 Data
The table below contains information about key stage 1 assessments.
Subject |
% at EXS+ |
% at GDS |
Reading |
70% |
22% |
Writing |
65% |
7% |
Maths |
70% |
15% |
Combined RWM |
63.3% |
3.3% |
National information will be added when it becomes available.
Key Stage 2 Data
The table below displays end of key stage 2 results for our current year 6 cohort.
Subject |
% at EXS+
% at GDS |
School |
National |
School |
National |
Reading |
73% |
73% |
17% |
27% |
Writing |
75% |
78% |
13% |
20% |
Maths |
87% |
79% |
28% |
27% |
Grammar |
80% |
78% |
35% |
36% |
Combined RWM |
68% |
65% |
7% |
Southglade Primary School were at national expectations for the expected standards (or better) in all areas apart from writing where there was a 3% gap between the school's performance and national outcomes (which equates to 2 pupils).
Southglade Primary School exceeded the national averages for the key combined measure of reaching at least the expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined. This is the 4th consecutive year where the school has had a higher combined % than the national average.
Southglade Primary School were inline with national averages for the % of pupils making the higher greater depth standard in maths and in grammar. However, we are still working a little below national averages for greater depth in reading and in writing although in writing we have closed the gap at greater depth for writing from 15% to 7% this year.
KS2 Progress Scores 2018/19:
Reading -0.32
Writing +0.79
Maths + 2.16
Progress in reading and writing is classed as close to the national average whereas progress in Maths is classed as better than expected.
Average Scaled Scores 2018/19
Reading 102.9 which is 0.1 below the national average
Maths 106.2 which is 2.2 above the national average
Grammar 107 which is 1.1 above the national average
Swimming Data
72% of our y6 pupils left Southglade Primary and Nursery School having achieved 25m whilst swimming using a range of strokes. 72% of pupils could also perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.