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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Today we are going to design a monster, thinking about what special features it can have. Does it have three eyes, four legs? Is it blue, green, spotty? Does it have fur or feathers? Design your monster and label it with lots of wonderful adjectives. 


Please click the link below to find the letters and sounds lessons. 

It would be very supportive for your child to work through the lessons being put up, watching one sound each day.

The lesson 'y-silly' would be a great one to complete today. 





Today we will again begin with counting.  Watch the video below and join in.


Next watch the video for the Number Sense activity.


Now watch the video about finding the difference then complete the questions in the documents below. Most children should be attempting the hard questions.  The Powerpoint is also included as a file for you to go through if you choose.





Love of Reading

We would love you to read your favourite story to your teddy, your sibling, your adult and if you are feeling really brave film a part or all of your story for us to play to our friends.