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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

Week 7 - This week we have been learning all about Harvest time and what happens on farms! We loved making collages with seeds, beans and rice, but it was very sticky work!

Week 6 We had a wonderful time at our Teddy Bears picnic! We made our own sandwiches and decorated fairy cakes too!

Week 5 - Some children have already completed our Teeth cleaning Challenge! They have brought their charts back to school in exchange for a sticker and certificate. Well done!

Week 4 This week we are learning all about how to clean our teeth and why it is so important to visit the dentist regularly.

Week 3 We have been looking at family photographs and telling our friends who is in our family. We have all drawn our families too!

Week 2 We have been looking carefully at our faces and our skin colours. We made hand prints, foot prints and self portraits. We are all different and we are all special!

Week 1 - We have had lots of fun settling into Nursery this week and meeting all of our new friends!