Today’s Learning. Do you remember all the animals in Handa’s Surprise? Click the link below to watch a clip of animals that live in Africa.
Now complete this follow up activity- Download and view the photos of African animals under the printable resources tab below, or have a look at the pictures in your new workpack. Talk about what they look like and the patterns on their bodies. Draw or paint your own African animal and then send it to your teacher to go on our website. We are going to paint animals at school and put those on the website too so we can all see each others! |
Phonics Click the link below to see today’s phonics lesson taught by Mrs Barron.
Now Complete this follow up activity- Print off the sh worksheet or find it in your pack. OR: have a go at writing the sh sentence ‘I can see a ship’. |
Maths Click the link below to see today’s Maths Lesson taught by Mrs Barron.
Now complete this follow up activity- How many different ways can you find to make 9? Write your number sentences down. |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while. |
Additional Ideas Take part in Joe Wick’s online PE lesson- some of your teachers will be joining in too! Click the link to have a go at painting an African animal on your device. |
Story time : Click this link to hear Miss. Parr reading Supertato!