This week we are looking at a new suffix (remember a suffix is a group of letters that goes at the end of a word to change it's meaning). The new suffix is er.
The suffix er helps us to compare different things.
For example:
Summer in England can be hot, but summer in Spain is hotter.
For the words below, you will only have to add er to the end of the root word.
Can you add the suffix –er to each of these root words and write one sentence about each word? Can you include a conjunction in your sentence too?
In today's English lesson we are going to begin writing one of our three non-chronological reports about castles.
Our non-chronological report today is all about the features of a castle. We have done lots of work on castle features in our curriculum lesson, and you may have found out more facts last week in our research lesson.
If you were in class today you would be helping me create a shared write after reading some examples. Remember a shared write is where we use the example to give us an idea but we change it to make it our own.
Have a go at using Mrs Bragg's video and the examples below to write your own report on castle features on the report template below.
Today we are dividing by 5. We have done lots of practice dividing now, and we are all experts on the 5 times table so we shouldn't find this too tricky. Dividing by 5 means making equail groups of 5.
Watch Miss Storer's lesson below and then have a go at your worksheet.
Maths challenge
Have a go at today’s handwriting below:
Today we are going to be using all of our knowledge so far to help us build a castle using junk modelling! Think back to your designs you made in week 2 and think about which features your castle is going to have e.g. battlements, arrow loops etc.
A main feature of your castle needs to be a moving drawbridge using a pulley system. You can do this by using a toilet roll holder and string, a pencil with string or any other object that allows the string to move around it.
This activity may take you a while to do, but when you have finished please send a picture of your final piece to your class teacher. This is our big project for our curriculum lessons this half term and it is important your teacher can see what you produce.
Mrs Bragg's email -
Miss Storer's email-