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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Rainbow Fish

Rainbow Fish

Still image for this video

The Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine

Below are some activities you may want to try...

  • English

  • The Rainbow Fish's scales 'shimmer'. Can you find other words that could be used to describe the scales?
  • At one point in the story, the Rainbow Fish becomes the 'loneliest fish in the entire ocean'. Try a role play activity to interview him and find out how he is feeling. Can you suggest things that he could do to find some friends?
  • Can you rewrite the story (or a part of it) as a playscript? Could you perform this to others?
  • Could you retell this story to others? 
  • A number of adverbs are used in the text, e.g. playfully, carefully. Can you find out what an adverb is and find some more?
  • Create a set of instructions to teach people how to look after a pet (rainbow) fish.
  • Write a story about a different 'rainbow' animal, e.g. a Rainbow Bird, a Rainbow Butterfly or a Rainbow Chameleon. What might happen to them?
  • Can you write a book review of this story to tell others your opinion about it?
  • Maths

  • Try counting the Rainbow Fish's scales. How many are there?
  • Use different shapes for the scales of your own rainbow fish (triangles, squares) 
  • Science

  • Find out lots of information about fish. Can you create a report about them?
  • Can you find different materials that are shiny, like the Rainbow Fish's scale? What makes them shine and reflective?
  • Find out about plants that grow near / around / under water.
  • Create a food chain that includes a fish and other sea creatures.
  • Cooking

  • Can you make a rainbow fish pizza on a tortilla (see photos below)
  • Computing

  • Use drawing / painting software to make your own picture of the Rainbow Fish.
  • Can you create an animation about a fish?
  • Design Technology

  • Make a 3D model of the Rainbow Fish. Could you make a model of an underwater scene?
  • Create your own puppets based on the characters in the story and perform it to your friends.
  • Art

  • The Rainbow Fish's scales are 'every shade of blue, green and purple'. Can you try mixing paint to make lots of different shades of these colours?
  • Decorate your own Rainbow Fish image using collage (or other media). Can you find foil and glitter to make your picture sparkle??(see Resources below)
  • Draw your own underwater scene, using the sea photos for inspiration?(see Resources below).
  • Make your own 'rainbow' animal. Could you create a Rainbow Bird, a Rainbow Butterfly or a Rainbow Chameleon?
  • PSHE

  • Describe the Rainbow Fish's behaviour at different points in the story. How did his behaviour make the other fish feel?
  • The Rainbow Fish gives away his most prized possessions. What are your most prized possessions? Why are they important to you?

Facts about Fish for Kids