Wb 6.7.20
Thursday 9th July
Today we have been exploring the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk thinking about what he looks like and how he behaves. We have been thinking about the adjectives we use to describe this and then wrote sentences.
We completed a range of money based reasoning problems which explored notes and the coins. We thought about the shapes of coins and the coins which can make different amounts of money.
We also concluded our understanding of ‘aw’ phonics sounds and family to ensure we really understood all sounds in the family. We used the words in different contexts including reading and writing.
Finally we did some well-being activities including drawing, colouring and mindfulness. We read some stories and sang along to barefoot books.
Another fantastic week!
Wednesday 8th July
So today we explored the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and explored the character of Jack. We thought about adjectives to describe him. We then out these in to sentences with conjunctions you extend.
We developed our understanding of money and explored coins including amounts coins make when added together which included practicing counting in 2.5.10. As always we practice our gem maths and are making sure we are secure in emerald 2 and 3.
We spent time practicing the ‘aw’ phonics family. We explored words within this phonics family to ensure we understand exactly what sounds were within the family.
Tuesday 7th July
Today we began by exploring our gem maths, this time looking at Emerald 3 thinking about how to beat the clock. We are going to practice this everyday to see if we can improve our mental arithmetic and think of lots of different ways we can work out the answer to the question.
Following this we explored the 'm' sound family looking particularly at 'mb'. We explored how we use these sounds accurately in words and read them in a range of different contexts.
We then explored the story of Jack and the Beanstalk further, writing our own versions of the story using fronted adverbials and images on a story map. We ensured we used the key parts of the story and wrote it accurately in order.
Another very busy day, despite the rain, we cannot wait for tomorrow to explore our learning further.
Monday 6th July
We started this week by exploring the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We thought about the different characters and began by creating our own story map using images from the story. We discussed the different sections and used actions to help us to retell the story.
Following this we explored our gem maths Sapphire 2 and Emerald 2 which we are getting much faster at answering against the timer. We have made sure we are practicing the answers to our questions and exploring quick ways to support this.
We have been practicing all our phonics, focusing today on securing 'ue'. We are really good at applying this sound in various words and a range of different contexts including reading and writing.
In our maths sessions we explored money. Today we focused on the amounts for different coins and ensured we understood how to use p and £ correctly. We are going to be developing our knowledge of this over the week to ensure we have a clear understanding.
We also thought about how we have been communicating with others during this time and explored different changes which have happened both in Nottingham and around the world.