Imagine you are writing an introduction letter to the new Year 3s. What would you say?
Think about:
- The topics we covered
- Your favourite part of the year
- Your favourite subject/topic
- What you think the new Year 3s will really enjoy
Grammar activity
Revise your understanding of word types https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvs2kty
Activity 1: Sort the words into their word types.
Activity 2: Colour/ label the word types in the sentences.
Reading activity
Choose one of the books below that we read in Year 3, and complete the book review on it.
- Stone Age Boy- Satoshi Kitamura
- Escape from Pompeii- Christina Balit
- The Iron Man- Ted Hughes
Spellings activity
Try the spelling quiz, which has been set as a 2DO on Purple Mash.