Thursday 25.6.20
EDIT THE LETTER BELOW, write it out in your book with new spellings and the correct grammar (hint-the words in red need to be corrected).
Watch the video for today's lesson here:
deer dunkan,
its me. Gloomy gloo stick here. Yooo
know exactly why I ran away buddy!
Bet they don’t no what else you giv me
to gluoo doo they?
I din’t think so. The other glooing was
ok but do you really need to make me
drie out by leaving of mi lid.
I will com back but let’s stick to gluing
clean papper and plees put my lid bak
Your gluumy frend
Glue stic
Today is RSE day. This is a national celebration focused on celebrating the positive work that is happening around healthy relationships.
This year’s theme is ‘Books I love about love' Below are some activities you can complete at home to celebrate this day!