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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Good morning Everyone

Over the last few months lots of people have been working really hard to look after us and keep us all safe.Today we are going to have a think about the people who help us and what they do.

There are a lot of people around us that help us besides our mum and dad and other people in our family. We want you to have a think about who you think helps us and what they do. These very important people are called Keyworks, do you have anyone in your family who is a keyworker? What do they do?


You could also have a think about your experiences with some of the Keyworkers such as Dentists.

What do you think a dentist does?  Do you like going to the dentist or do you get nervous?

Think about some of the less known Keyworkers such as Lifeguards, what do they do to keep us safe?


If you could have any of the Keyworker jobs which would you choose and why?





 Today's Challenge:

If you have a printer at home you can print  off the People who help us worksheet. The worksheet can be found in your  Home Learning pack if you have one.