Welcome to your last day of home learning for Spring 1. We are so proud of all your hard work and resilience this half term!
Listen to Mrs Bragg reading out the spelling test words from last week. Remember to pause the video if you need more time to note down the answers.
We have done lots of work on suffixes this half term so today I am going to ask you to play a game of bingo with people in your house. Look at the pictures below with some irregular plurals. Choose words and fill up a bingo sheet. Ask someone in your house to be the 'caller' and ask them to choose some words from the pictures below. Who will be the first to have all their words called?
Half term challenge: Below are the words each Year 2 child are expected to be able to read and write correctly. We have been working hard on these words in school and would love for you to practice some of these whilst you are at home too!

Today we are going to be completing our last Grammar lesson of this half term. So far we have been looking at commas in a list. If you need a quick reminder of how to use commas in a list, watch this video- How are commas used in a list? - BBC Bitesize
Can you look through these task cards, which sentences have used commas in a list correctly?
Activity: Can you write a few sentence about what you might see at a beach. Please only include 3-4 items in each sentence.
For example: At the beach you can see sandcastles being built, ice-cream melting and children playing in the sea.
As it is the last maths lesson of the half term, today we would like you to complete some fun maths activities!
In your pack there are some colour by numbers sheets for you to complete.
You could:
Go on Times Table Rockstars:
Play some Hit the Button:
Play some of the maths games on Purple Mash:
Draw some pictures using shapes.
See if you can find one of every shape in your house.
Play BINGO with your family.
See how fast you can count up in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Challenge yourself to learn a new times table, how about the 3s or 4s?

We have finished all our learning on spreadsheets now, well done it was quite a tricky unit!
Because today is Chinese New Year, I have set you a nice 2do to create a fireworks display to celebrate.
Typing is such an important skill for you to have and practice, so I would also like you all to be having a go at the typing games over half term. There are some typing 2dos for you to complete too, which are fun games! See if you can beat your score each time and get faster and faster at typing.
Chinese New Year
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! This year is the year of the OX! WHy don't you have a look at the powerpoint below to see what the year of the Ox means and why Chinese New Years are names after animals.
Here are some other fun activities you can try at home to celebrate Chinese New Year.
1) Use the alphabet below to write your name in Chinese lettering
2) Try and crack these codes!
3) Read this Chinese New Year Ebook- 'Dragons in the city'.