During todays phonics lesson we will be putting together what we have learning about ryhming words and rhythm to clap along to the beat of a song. In Mrs Bettridge's video she will be helping you to listen to 1,2,3,4,5 and clap to the beat of the song.
Listen carefully to how fast the song is as you will need to clap at the same pace.
How else could you use you body percussion to tap out a beat?
Have ago at another song using a different action for the beat, you could jump, hop or stomp to te beat.
Maybe have a try at listening to a different type of song or music to use the percussion skills you have learnt.
Follow the link below to Mrs Bettridge's video:
Today's maths lesson is Pattern making. Mrs Bettridge will be making a 2 and 3 object pattern using things around her home. Patterns help children learn sequencing and to make predictions which leads to mathematical skills. We can use patterns to notice that things repeat using colours, shape and size.
Remember to keep checking your pattern as you make it by reading it back to yourself : red,blue,yellow. red,blue.....
Have ago at making a size pattern using big and small items around your home, set your family challenges,
Who can make the longest pattern?
Who can make their pattern the quickest?
Make a pattern for a family member that isnt right, can they fix it?
Follow the link below to watch Mrs Bettridge's video:
Toay's story is Red Riding Hood, which is one of our tradional tails. This story is a twist on the orginal story and has a very different ending.
Follow the link below to Mrs Bettridge story: