Week 1

Our topic for the Spring term is 'Into the Woods.'
This half term our curriculum driver is Music, and we will be doing lots of musical activities linked to our topic.
Our big question for this half term is 'I wonder what sounds are in the rainforest.'
This week has been Awe and Wonder week where we have been doing lots of different activities linked to our topic. Each day focused on a different continent!
We kicked off the week by learning what the 7 continents are (we learnt a catchy song which you should ask your child to sing to you!).
On Monday we began by learning more about Australia and Antarctica, we made shape penguins and wrote some facts about Australian animals.
On Tuesday we focused on North America and South America. We designed a donut and looked at the differences between the continents. We also compared the Amazon rainforest to New York and spotted the natural and human features of each place.
Wednesday was all about Europe and we started the day by inviting parents in to take part in a European food tasting session, which was brilliant fun! Later that day we looked at maps of our local area and even had a look at some of our houses on Google Maps.
Thursday was our day for Asia. We spoke about Chinese New Year and made a paper dragon, and then learnt how to count in 10 in Chinese.
Finally, on Friday we learnt about Africa and did some lovely art in our sketch books drawing lots of different animal prints with oil pastels.