Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
In Year 4, the class teachers are Miss Blaxley and Miss Pericleous. Mrs Dowse provides PPA cover on a Monday morning for 4B and a Tuesday morning for 4P. PE takes place on Wednesdays for 4P and Thursdays for 4B (Summer 2).
The Teaching Assistant supporting us this year is Miss Fryer. We are a team dedicated to teaching innovative and exciting lessons, and helping children grow.

The start time for 4B is 8:40am, and the day ends at 3:10pm.
The start time for 4P is 9:00am, and the day ends at 3:30pm.
Year 4 will enter through the nursery gates, onto the playground and straight into their classrooms. At the end of the day, parents can come onto the playground to collect the children from their classrooms. Parents will not be allowed into the building, and please do not collect your child until their end time.
We also ask that any non-urgent matters take place over the phone or via email. Class teacher emails are as follows; or
Please take a look at our class pages, as we update them weekly. This way you can see what we get up to!
We cannot wait to welcome you all back!
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Expectations throughout Year 4
Grammar and punctuation
- Writing noun phrases expanded by modifying adjectives, nouns, and prepositional phrases.
- Using and understanding plural possession.
- Using Standard English forms for verb inflections where appropriate.
- Using inverted commas to indicate direct speech.
- Spelling homophones correctly.
- Spelling words that are often misspelt.
- Using the possessive apostrophe with regular and irregular plurals.
- Talking about similar pieces of writing, and using these to help them plan their own.
- Using a rich vocabulary and a range of sentence structures.
- Creating settings, characters, and plots for stories.
- Using simple organisational devices (for example, headings and sub-headings) for non-fiction.
- Proof-reading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
- Joining letters whenever appropriate.
- Making sure that letters look consistent throughout writing.
- Keeping the spacing between lines of writing parallel and consistent.
Number and place value
- Counting in steps of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000.
- Counting backwards through zero to include negative numbers.
- Rounding any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
Addition and Subtraction
- Choosing from a variety of methods, including mental calculations, using objects, diagrams or drawings such as number lines, models such as the area/grid method or written column addition and column subtraction
- Estimating answers before calculating accurately and checking answers by understanding that addition and subtraction are inverse operations
- Solving two-step word problems which require them to solve two different calculations before coming to the answer.
Multiplication and Division
- Knowing and using multiplication and division facts for all times tables up to 12 × 12
- Multiplying three-digit by one-digit numbers
- Multiplying three numbers together.
Fractions and Decimals
- Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals
- Recognising and writing tenths and hundredths as decimals
- Rounding decimal numbers with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
- Comparing shapes such as quadrilaterals and triangles based on their properties and sizes
- Drawing mirror images of shapes in lines of symmetry
- Plotting points and describing how shapes move up/down/left/right on a coordinate grid
- Working out the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes
- Solving problems involving converting units of time
- Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing measurements including money.
- Interpreting and presenting discrete and continuous data using graphs
- Interpreting and making time graphs (a type of line graph)
- Solving problems by comparing, adding, and subtracting data from tables, charts, and graphs.