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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 1

We have had a wonderful first few days back at school and the children have adapted well to the new rules and routines!


This week, our learning had a PSHE focus. We have talked about our experiences of working from home, how we have felt over the last few months and how we feel about the upcoming year.


Positivity Jars

We considered things that we are grateful for and things/people that have helped us over the last six months. We discussed our families, the NHS and electronic devices that helped to pass the time.


Class Charter

As a class we discussed the importance of having rules and imagined a society that didn't have rules and regulations. We decided on 5 rules that we are going to follow as a class. The children decorated an outline of their hand in order to sign the charter. Their decorated hands reflect their personality and likes/dislikes.



Peek Portraits

The children set themselves goals and aspirations for year 6. They thought carefully about how they are going to achieve these targets, considering step by step actions to help them be successful. Once they had written their ambitions, they drew a portrait of themselves.


Figure me out

The children had to solve mathematical calculations in order to find out information about their partner.