Miss Moss Phonics
This week we are looking at the ay sound here are the words for you to learn
Play say may day today the do
Miss Barker and Miss Finnie's Phonics
This week we are looking at the 'i' sound spelt as a 'y'
Myth, gym, crypt, lyric, gypsy, symbol, system, mystery, system, accident, accidentally, actual
Click here to see Miss Finnie's maths lesson
Maths Tasks
Design a purse or wallet with a lock where you can keep your money safe.
Wellbeing Task
Look out of the window, can you see 5 things you have not noticed before.
World Religion Day - Can you create a colourful peace symbol to show peace and harmony?
Talk Home Challenge
Today we are creating a wanted poster for the Iron man. You need to start by asking if anybody has seen him, then describe what he looks like so people know who to look for. You need to describe his height, his eyes, what his body looks like, and any other description you can think of.
Log on to Purple mash and go to your 2Dos. There will be one called Tool example. Click on it, move the numbers into the number line and watch the symbols change. Can you make the numbers go from greatest to least?