Morning Everyone
Today we are going to get active by making up our own dances!
Choose your favourite song that you like to listen to, how does it make you feel? Have a go at making up your own dance moves to your song, think about what moves you will go for, will you be jumping, spinning or hopping along to music.
Think about how fast the song is, will you need to move around quickly or slowly?
If you need some imperation the link below to Go Noddle is great. There are lots of great songs and dance routines that you can join in with at home.You may need to ask an adult to sign upto to the site to use it, but it is completely free and has lots of great dances, yoga and lots of other great ways to get you moving around.
The link to Go Noddle is below:
Supermovers is also a great site to use to get you moving and covers all areas of our learning: