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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Today we are going to explore 'ie' in the 'ee' sound family. Watch the video below of the phonics lesson and have a go at the challenges below. 


Today we are going to do an oracy based lesson. Using the setting we designed, made or drew yesterday, we are going to talk about the setting. Have a look at the video for an example then have a go at exploring it yourself.  


Still image for this video
'id' and 'ig'


Hit the link below to start the lesson with some counting and number sense.


Now hit the next link for the main part of the lesson, introducing non-standard measures.


Everyday Materials - Wood

Watch the video below about materials.  You are then going to investigate the properties of wood like Mr Land explained.  The table you need to complete can be downloaded below but was also included in last Wednesday's work pack.


Today we would like you to watch the animation from the BBC of 'The Gruffalo' another wonderful story from Julia Donaldson. Below there are some different activities you can complete based on the book and story.