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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Awe and Wonder Week

Children at Southglade Primary and Nursery School are once more enjoying an Awe and Wonder week to hook them into their new enquiry question. 

This is an opportunity to grab children's attention to help them answer the following enquiry questions:

F1: I wonder who lives in your house?

F2: I wonder where does Handa live?

Y1: I wonder what music entertains me?

Y2: I wonder what sounds there are in the rainforest?

Y3: I wonder how could the Iron Man be represented in art?

Y4: I wonder how things fly?

Y5: I wonder if there is life on other planets?

Y6: I wonder what does a superhero need to thrive?


On Wednesday 8th January, over 90 parents joined us for our open classrooms event to participate in their child's learning. We were delighted to see so many of you and enjoyed reading your lovely comments about the day. Some of these comments will be published in due course on the latest news section of the website.