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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Latest News

Read this page for all the latest news and information.

  • Y1 Reopening Update for Monday 22nd June

    Thu 18 Jun 2020 Miss Smith

    We can now confirm we are opening for Y1 pupils from Mnday 22nd June.


    Parents who have expressed that they would like to send their children back to school have been contacted by Miss Smith and Mr Pegram regarding arrangements for the reopening including specific start/ finish times.


    If you are a y1 parent and you would like to send your child back to school, having previously stated you didn't want to or were unsure, then please contact Miss Smith at the following email address:


    You will then be contacted with information regarding this.

    If your child isn't on a bubble list they wont be able to attend on Monday 22nd June.


    There are 2 groups:

    Doves 9.15 - 1.45

    Owls 10.00 - 2.30


    Please visit the covid19 part of the school website (located within the key information section) for more details about our plans for a phased return to school for y1 pupils.

  • Y6 Reopening Update for 15th June

    Thu 11 Jun 2020 Mr Pegram

    The LA have agreed that it is now safe to start to reopen schools in Nottingham City for Y6 pupils only.

    We will reopen for y6 pupils on the 15th June.

    Parents who have expressed that they would like to send their children back to school have been contacted by Mr Pegram and Mrs Finnie regarding arrangements for the reopening including specific start/ finish times.


    If you are a y6 parent and you would like to send your child back to school, having previously stated you didn't want to or were unsure, then please contact Mr Pegram at the following email address:


    You will then be contacted with information regarding this.

    If your child isn't on a bubble list they wont be able to attend on Monday 15th June


    There are 3 groups:

    Eagles 9am -130pm

    Flamingo 945am- 215pm

    Puffin 1030am- 300pm


    Please visit the covid19 part of the school website (located within the key information section) for more details about our plans for a phased return to school for y6 pupils.


    As of yet, the LA hasn't stated when it will be possible for Y1 or Reception pupils to return so please keep checking the website for more information.


  • Y6 Reopening Delayed - Update!

    Thu 04 Jun 2020

    Please read the following important update from Mrs Thomas:


    Dear Parents/Carers

    RE delayed reintroduction of pupils in years 6, 1 and F2 into school


    I have met with our chair and vice chair of governors again this morning and am writing to inform you that school will remain closed to pupils until further notice.


    On 29th May the local authority wrote to all parents stating that: “…we do NOT feel it is the right time to bring children back to schools” and “are advising schools run by the council through Nottingham Schools Trust that they should not reopen to wider numbers…”


    At the time of writing this letter, the local authority has not changed their statement and are still advising schools that it is not the right time for reintroducing pupils into school.


    Therefore, we will not be able to begin to reintroduce year 6 pupils back to school on June 8th.

    At school we will continue to make plans so that we can act swiftly once we get the go ahead from the Local Authority and our governing body that it is safe to open on a wider basis. I will inform you again by next Thursday (11thth June) at the latest of any decisions that have been made about a possible reopening to year 6 pupils only on Monday 15th June.


    Our reintroduction plan remains the same and when it is safe to do so, we will operate a phased reopening of school to year 6 pupils first followed by pupils in year 1 and then F2.

    I understand the frustration that this lack of clarity and uncertainty gives you. It goes without saying that we want to see our children returning to school but the safety of your child, and of our staff, remains everyone’s top priority.

    We will continue to provide a school place every day (8:45am – 3:15pm) for those children whose parents are classed as key workers or are in one of the vulnerable categories. Thank you to all our families who have supported us with the changes we have made this week to our provision to ensure that we are ready for more pupils to return.

    Take Care and Stay Safe

    Kind Regards

    Mrs Alison Thomas

    Mr Mark Cotterill (Chair of Governors)

    Miss Sophie Russell (Vice Chair of Governors)