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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Skellig Example


Skellig is one of the UK's (United Kingdom's) most fascinating creatures but is now extremely rare.
This human-bird hybrid favours habitats such as: old unused premises; long-forgotten buildings and
dark isolated garages. In these places, he is hopeful that he will not be disturbed.



Skellig is a human-bird hybrid meaning his main strength comes from his ability to fly. In order for him to maintain such an agile physique, he has an extremely strict diet. Mostly, Skellig favours a diet of: bluebottles, flies and spiders which he captures using his reptilian-like tongue. However, if the opportunity was to arrive, he would happily delve into a greasy 27 and 53 from the Chinese takeaway
menu thus providing him with limited nutrients but a delight on his taste buds. Strangely and uniquelyto this particular creature, food is swallowed whole and the indigestible parts, such as bones and scales and shells, are regurgitated in order for him to mark his territory.