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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Monday 18.5.20

Kindness Activity


Today, we would like you to watch the story 'Have you filled your bucket today?' then design your own bucket full of kind thoughts, memories and wishes. All the things you would like your bucket to be full of. Draw images, write words, cut out photographs of everything you would like inside. 

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?





It's another week so we are going to look at the next group of numbers as we continue to work our way towards 100.  Today,  want you to learn the numbers from 70-80.  Look at them on the hundred square and practise counting up from 70 to 80, pointing at the numbers as you go.


Time - Vocabulary - Before and After


This week we are going to be focusing on time.  By the end of year one, children are expected to be able to know the order of the days of the week, the months of the year, find dates on a calendar and tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest half-hour.  We are going to begin by making sure children have a concept of before and after. 


Write the words for your child to see.  Discuss them and get your child to explain what they mean.  Put the words into context in example sentences.


Get children to explain what they did yesterday, encouraging the use of the following vocabulary:


Before, after, next, first, morning, afternoon, evening


Now have a go at completing these:






Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) do, to, said, has

Remember to learn to read and write the words independently


Activity - Can you use the sentence building cards to form accurate sentences linked to the Three Little Pigs? Below you will find a range of sentence sections, you need to read them and write them in the correct order. 


CHALLENGE - Can you extend your sentences to include a conjunction and an adjective?

Sentence structure Three Little Pigs.MOV

Still image for this video

Activity - Funky Sculpture


Can you have a go at crating a funky sculpture. It could be using paper, cardboard, fabric or anything you can think of. Be creative and see what you can come up with. Don't forget to send in photographs we would love to see them. 

Phonics and Reading


We would like you to click on the videos below and watch the phonics lessons from Letters and Sounds. Activities which you can do to apply the sound are in the video and there are also linked underneath.  


After, please watch the videos on the phonics resource and support section which practices all your phonics sounds using the flashcards which we use at school. Have a go at saying the sounds along with Miss Smith. Make sure you are saying the pure sounds accurately. 


Don't forget to read your book everyday.

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Still image for this video

Lesson 16 - Reception (Review ai, ee, igh)

Watch Reception Lesson 16. First released Monday 18th May. A new Reception lesson is uploaded every week day at 10am and is suitable for children who can ble...

Lesson 16 - Learning to Blend (Blending with ll)

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