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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


At Southglade Primary School, we believe that computers are valuable tools which may be used to further enhance the curriculum already in place within the school. We believe the computer acts as another resource in the classroom and enables another teaching approach which we can use to stimulate and inform the learner. It is an essential tool for supporting the children’s learning. All technologies, inclusive of computers, iPads and other digital technologies are good motivators which can heighten pupil’s interest and enjoyment, especially in those subjects children find difficult. Information Technology can also provide opportunities for teachers to extend the basic curriculum by embracing it fully in their teaching. Our vision is for all teachers and learners in our school to become confident users of ICT so that they can develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which enables them to use appropriate ICT resources effectively as powerful tools for teaching & learning.

Computing Road Map


  1. The Computing Subject Leader and all staff to deliver a high quality computing education.
  2. Computational thinking – the ability to solve problems in a creative, logical and collaborative way – is developed through repeated programming opportunities and opportunities to build understanding and apply the concepts of computer science.
  3. Pupils become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
  4. Pupils have a growing awareness of how technology is used in the world around them and of the benefits that it provides. They are supported to evaluate and use information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies.
  5. Opportunities for communication and collaboration develop understanding of the purposes for using technology and these are used to bring together home and school learning experiences.
  6. Technology is used imaginatively to engage all learners and widen their learning opportunities,
  7. Pupils have access to a variety of devices and resources and are encouraged to reflect on the choices they make to use them.
  8. We expect our pupils to:
          • Develop computing skills, knowledge and understanding
          • Develop an understanding of the wider applications of computer systems and communication technology in society
          • Develop independent and logical thinking through reasoning, decision making and problem solving
          • Develop imagination and creativity
          • Work independently and collaboratively


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