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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Spring 1

This half term our class book is

'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers


This book is a wonderful story about a lost penguin who finds a boy who tries to help him find his way home. 

We will be exploring Science and Art learning about materials and their properties to make items and carrying out experiments. 

Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers I Read Aloud

Below is our knowledge organiser for this half term for

Art and Design and Technology. 

We are looking at making a 3D penguin friend using techniques of cutting, collaging, weaving and layering. We will also make parts of the penguin move!

We made lanterns in RE to explore why Jesus was the 'light of the world'.

In Science we explored amphibians and made the life cycle of the frog

As part of Safer Internet Day, we explroed old and new technology exploring what was the same and what was different. We had some wonderful discussions and thought about changes in technology.

Our 2D art pieces

We used all the different techniques of printing, weaving, collaging and split pins to make our final piece and layer the different parts of the image together. Take a look at all the wonderful images we created and also how we made them move!

This week we have explored doubles using mirrors and numicon to find the doubled number. This was a wonderful way to explore and count different amounts and for us to begin to explore addition. 

We explored and developed lots of different techniques during our art curriculum driver to develop our 3D penguin including rolling, cutting and making moving parts. 

We began to explore subtraction practically using cubes to take away different amounts. We looked at how we make numbers smaller from a whole amount.  

Look at these wonderful penguins which were made at home using our 3D techniques, well done.

WOW, look at what Karolina did this week. She did number bonds to 40 herself - well done!

Today we began our first art and design and technology lesson with Mrs Dowse. We explored collaging and thought about adding different materials to make a collage on an iceberg shape to begin to make the landscape for our penguin friend. We explored cutting and tearing the materials then layering them on the paper.