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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

wb 8.2.21

'Well Being Wednesday'

We would like you to have time away from the screen so use the links below as a prompt to help you with some ideas. 


Have some quiet time and listen to some of the music and meditation activities below. 

3 HOURS Relaxing Music "Evening Meditation" Background for Yoga, Massage, Spa

Mindfulness Meditation for Kids | BREATHING EXERCISE | Guided Meditation for Children

Sleep Meditation for Kids | ANIMAL ADVENTURES 2 | Sleep Story for Children

Recipes to have a go at cooking

Can you make any of the pictures below?

You can find them in the recipes link below

I Can Cook Full Episode Compilation #1 🥕🥒🍋

Big Cook Little Cook Episodes

Outdoor Activities

See if you can complete an outdoor activity, it might be nature art or even playing in the snow (if there is any today!) But spending time outside doing a treasure hunt or flower/leaf hunt is so much fun. 

Relaxing Music with Nature Sounds


You might want to draw, paint or create a picture, sculpture or image using craft items around your house or garden. be creative and let your imagination run away with you. Enjoy the freedom of colours and shapes. The music will help you to paint and you can imagine painting along to the different sounds. 

Painting Music | Peaceful Calm Piano Melodies | Classical Instrumental Music