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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Planning and Preparing a 2-course Meal


To plan and prepare a 2-course meal





This week's lesson is our final cooking lesson and you will be planning and cooking a 2-course meal. You may decide to plan this meal today and cook it at a later date, as you will need to ensure that you have the appropriate ingredients.


We are going to cook vegetable spring rolls as this is Skellig's favourite food, as well as chilli con carne. However, if you would like to cook a different meal then that is fine. You can also adapt the ingredients to suit you and your family if you need to.




Before you begin, please familiarise yourself with kitchen safety rules and ensure that an adult is able to supervise and help you to prepare the meal.


Here are the recipes that we will be following in school. You can follow this recipe if you wish, or you could follow an alternative recipe or make a completely different meal for your family.





Please send us photos of your meals! We'd love to see what you have made!


Once you have cooked your meal, you could complete the evaluation sheet attached!